Author: Priya Patel

Best Recumbent Exercise Bike: 7 Great Options

Best Recumbent Exercise Bike: 7 Great Options

Recumbent exercise bikes are stationary bikes designed with a unique seating position that sets them apart from traditional upright bikes. Instead of the traditional saddle seat, recumbent bikes feature a larger, chair-like seat with a backrest.  These bikes also come equipped with pedals positioned in front of the rider rather than beneath them.  Recumbent stationary…

How Can Stiff And Tight Muscles Result In Back Pain?

How Can Stiff And Tight Muscles Result In Back Pain?

Back pain is a complex and multifaceted issue that can arise from various factors, including muscle stiffness and tightness.  Identifying the precise sources of back pain can be challenging, as it often manifests as a side effect of multiple contributing factors.  However, what remains paramount is recognizing physical impairments and adopting a proactive and holistic…

Benefits of Incline Treadmill Workouts

Benefits of Incline Treadmill Workouts

Incorporating diversity into our workout routines is the cornerstone of achieving holistic fitness goals. While the conventional flat-surface treadmill exercises holds its place in the fitness realm, adding incline treadmill training to your routine can also be beneficial.  This article goes over some of the advantages that incline treadmill training offers!  That said if you…

TENS vs EMS: Differences Between Both Therapies

TENS vs EMS: Differences Between Both Therapies

If you have worked with a physical therapist or delved into the world of therapeutic technologies, you  have likely come across the acronyms TENS and EMS. These two modalities, standing for Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation and Electrical Muscle Stimulation, respectively, share a common foundation of electrical pulses, yet their applications and impacts on the body…

New to working out? Why is it important to ease into an exercise program?

New to working out? Why is it important to ease into an exercise program?

Starting an exercise program is an exciting venture, and it shows that you are investing in your own well-being.  However, diving in too quickly can lead to setbacks. In the eagerness to achieve fitness goals, many individuals overlook the importance of easing into a workout routine. This article explores why taking a gradual approach to…

Office Gym + Desk Exercise Equipment: The Ultimate List

Office Gym + Desk Exercise Equipment: The Ultimate List

The sedentary nature of office work has led many to seek innovative solutions to incorporate physical activity into their daily routine, giving rise to the popularity of desk exercise equipment. As the awareness of the health risks associated with prolonged sitting grows, individuals are increasingly turning to creative solutions to stay active while at work….

What Is A 3 Wheel Walker (Rollator): Pros And Cons

What Is A 3 Wheel Walker (Rollator): Pros And Cons

Three wheel rolling walkers are officially referred to as “three wheel rollators” because these assistive devices have wheels on all three “legs” or bases. So for the purposes of this article, three wheel rolling walkers are the same as three wheel rollators.  A 3 wheel walker, or 3 wheel rollator is a walking aid used…

How To Use A TENS Unit For Lower Back Pain 

How To Use A TENS Unit For Lower Back Pain 

Low back pain is one of the most common musculoskeletal disorders, affecting millions of people worldwide and impacting their daily activities and overall quality of life. This article goes over how you can use a TENS unit for lower back pain management. Effective pain management strategies play a pivotal role toward improved well-being. Especially for those…